Gallery: Brother Cesar Eduardo Moreno & Sister Angela Oviedo Visit Zurich, Switzerland
2 August, 2024
Photos of the Second Visit to Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
8 August, 2024
Gallery: Brother Cesar Eduardo Moreno & Sister Angela Oviedo Visit Zurich, Switzerland
2 August, 2024
Photos of the Second Visit to Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
8 August, 2024Gallery: Br. Carlos Alberto Baena & Sister Raquel Hernandez’s Visit to Chicago, Illinois, USA

On July 25 – 28, 2024, Brother Carlos Alberto Baena Lopez, his wife, Sister Raquel Hernandez, their daughters, and their son-in-law visited the church in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Brothers and sisters from Illinois, Kansas, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Missouri, and Indiana attended the service.
During their visit, there were water baptisms held for a group of people who decided to take this important step in God’s path.