“It Is God Who Knows the Intentions of the Hearts and Thoughts” by Br. Dario Falcon
15 May, 2020Thoughts to Reflect on: Luke 6 v. 43 to 49 by Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive | CGMJCI
18 May, 2020“It Is God Who Knows the Intentions of the Hearts and Thoughts” by Br. Dario Falcon
15 May, 2020Thoughts to Reflect on: Luke 6 v. 43 to 49 by Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive | CGMJCI
18 May, 2020“The Value of Women” by Br. Andres Carrillo
“The Value of Women” by Br. Andres Carrillo, international supervisor of the CGMJCI.
Spanish version published on May 12, 2020.
Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International