Testimonies – December 25, 2020 – CGMJCI
25 December, 2020
Testimonies – January 4, 2021 – CGMJCI
4 January, 2021
Testimonies – December 25, 2020 – CGMJCI
25 December, 2020
Testimonies – January 4, 2021 – CGMJCI
4 January, 2021Testimonies – December 28, 2020 – CGMJCI

Testimonies from believers of the CGMJCI around the world.
God fulfilled promises He made to a sister by helping her daughter who can now speak. The Lord also protected her loved ones and although her sister contracting COVID she was not admitted into the hospital and was not intubated, just as the sister prayed for. (Dubbed)
- Spain | Original testimony: https://youtu.be/TZn5cquGQaM?t=297
The Lord saved the life of a brother who suffered from a tachycardia. While at the hospital he had an experience with God and was healed instantly. (Dubbed)
- Peru | Original testimony: https://youtu.be/b2b0mu0RSm0?t=504
The Lord saved this sister’s niece from losing her life in a terrible car accident when the little girl was seven years old. Many years and tribulations to in’s later, she is now a normal person. (Dubbed)
- Colombia | Original testimony: https://youtu.be/TZn5cquGQaM?t=547
God protected a believer who was pregnant, and helped her and her husband get safely to the hospital to deliver a healthy baby. (Dubbed)
- Original testimony: https://youtu.be/A86gr3IucQk?t=244
The Lord healed a sister’s son from a skin condition and has delivered her from constant nightmares. The Lord has provided everything in her household and she has lacked nothing since joining the church at the beginning of the pandemic. (Dubbed)
- Colombia | Original testimony: https://youtu.be/b2b0mu0RSm0?t=2
Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International