Notice: Church in Lugano, Switzerland (Thursday, May 24, 2018)
2 May, 2018
Photos of Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive to Churches in Kissimmee & Bradenton, Florida, USA
26 May, 2018
Notice: Church in Lugano, Switzerland (Thursday, May 24, 2018)
2 May, 2018
Photos of Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive to Churches in Kissimmee & Bradenton, Florida, USA
26 May, 2018Photos of the Bible Study in Pasto, Colombia – May 12, 2018

On May 12, 2018, sister Maria Luisa Piraquive hosted a Bible study in Pasto, Narino – Colombia. The event took place in a coliseum and had an attendance of approximately six thousand people who came from nearby areas, such as Putumayo and Ecuador. Ten years ago we had hosted a Bible study at the same Coliseum, called Sergio Antonio Ruano.
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