Statement of Faith
21 abril, 2014Statement of Faith
21 abril, 2014Historical Precedents in an International Context

Neo-Pentecostalism and the CGMJIC
Between 1960 and 1970, believers from several predominant Christian denominations in the United States, Europe and other parts of the world, started to accept the idea that the baptism with the Holy Spirit was also possible in our current days. Therefore, new churches started to spring forth and were given the name Charismatic (from the greek term “Kárisma,” which means “favor freely given” or “grace-endowment”) who stated that they had the gift of the Holy Spirit. In those days, the Charismatic Movement shared the same ideological precept with the Pentecostal doctrine, though their historical origins were different.
For Christian investigator, Peter Wagner, the rise of Pentecostalism in 1906 is “the First Wave” in the history of Twentieth Century Christianity. “The Second Wave” is the charismatic phenomenon that breaks out from within the Christian denominations from the dominant beliefs in the ‘60s and ‘70s. Lutheran preacher, Harald Bredesen, coined the term.
“The Third Wave,” which took place in the ‘70s, saw independent churches spring forth with practices and doctrines that were inherited from both the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, but that didn’t align themselves with either of the two. These churches or denominations practice the laying of hands, ministering of gift of healings and prophecy, and consider themselves independent with their own system of self-government and self-regulation. The neo-Pentecostalist churches were born from within Evangelical, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Baptist, Methodist and Catholic churches.
All things considered, an argument could be made that the CGMJCI represents a remarkable milestone in the history of Christianity, as a religious event in North and South America, since it has turned the gift of prophecy into the standard bearer for each believer. It has allowed the Holy Spirit to become the one to guide each person on an individual level, and the one to rule the Church. Along those lines, the gift of prophecy has played a prominent role in the growth of the Church.
God’s one-on-one guidance through the gift of prophecy has been palpable and constant since 1972. In addition, it has allowed the Church to understand the nature of all other spiritual gifts on an individual and general level.
Lastly, the Church’s government system through a visible leader—this being Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive—allows God’s support to manifest itself in Church based the link between her and God, and her and the people. This relationship forms the backbone of the CGMJCI, which in turn makes a strong, united, and blessed Church.
Historical Precedents in an International Context
Baptism with the Holy Spirit
The Pentecostal Movement and the CGMJI
The Role of Women in the Pentecostal Church
Neo-Pentecostalism and the CGMJI