Reflection: “His Glory the Heavens Covered” by Br. Dario Falcon
29 April, 2020“The Blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ for His Church” by Br. Alvaro Herrera
4 May, 2020Reflection: “His Glory the Heavens Covered” by Br. Dario Falcon
29 April, 2020“The Blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ for His Church” by Br. Alvaro Herrera
4 May, 2020Thoughts to Reflect on: Matthew 19 v. 16-29 | Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive
Thoughts to Reflect on: Matthew 19 v. 16-29
By Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive
Worldwide Spiritual Leader of the CGMJCI
Spanish version published on April 24, 2020
Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International