Testimonies – September 18, 2020 – CGMJCI
18 September, 2020
Testimonies – September 28, 2020 – CGMJCI
28 September, 2020
Testimonies – September 18, 2020 – CGMJCI
18 September, 2020
Testimonies – September 28, 2020 – CGMJCI
28 September, 2020Testimonies – September 25, 2020 – CGMJCI

Testimonies from believers of the CGMJCI around the world.
- The Lord blessed the mother of a congregant who had been told that her mammogram showed abnormal results. She prayed to God and laid hands on her mother, per what she has learned in the live streams with Sister Maria Luisa. God manifested Himself and her mother was later told that she is now doing well.
Philippines - A sister was diagnosed with COVID-19 and although she had to go through a difficult road to recovery, the Lord helped her along the way, putting people around her to help her even though they didn’t know she had tested positive.
Philippines - God has provided for a sister and her family during this pandemic with money and abundant groceries. (Dubbed)
Colombia | Original testimony: https://youtu.be/sUlo4V-jbd8?t=399 - The Lord used the Church’s live streams to bring a brother’s family to the church. (Dubbed)
Colombia | Original testimony: https://youtu.be/_UcZyMlVr-Y?t=235
- Just as God promised in prophecy to a sister of the Church, the Lord protected her health and healed her as she had an open pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, and cancer. The Lord healed her and provided for her while also taking care of her loved ones. (Dubbed)
Original testimony: https://youtu.be/WorOglI69h
- A brother was blessed financially by the Lord as a result of putting into practice the sermons about praying to God in detail and tithing. (Dubbed)
Colombia | Original testimony: https://youtu.be/_UcZyMlVr-Y?t=79
Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International
#IDMJI #CGMJCI #Testimonies Testimonies