Testimony from the Church in Woodside, New York, March 2016
6 April, 2016
Testimonies from the Church in Orquideas, Bogota – Colombia (March 2016)
18 April, 2016
Testimony from the Church in Woodside, New York, March 2016
6 April, 2016
Testimonies from the Church in Orquideas, Bogota – Colombia (March 2016)
18 April, 2016Testimonies from the Church in North Bucaramanga, Colombia (March 2016)

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Testimony 1: A sister testifies that she had a very difficult goal to accomplish at work and was told by her colleagues that she would be unable to achieve it. However, the sister prayed to the Lord and was able to achieve her goal, just as the Lord told her in prophecy.
Testimony 2: A brother testifies that he suffered from Parkinson’s disease, but the Lord allowed him to see a very good neurologist. The Lord also told him in prophecy not to be afraid. God has been healing this brother and his medication dose has been reduced.
Testimony 3: A brother testifies about many blessings he received from the Lord since he arrived to Church.
4th Testimony: A sister testifies that the Lord told her in prophecy that He was going to bless her with a job and bestow grace upon her. God’s promise has been fulfilled.