Testimony from Olympic Medalist, Angel Barajas
8 August, 2024
Testimonies – August 22, 2024 – CGMJCI
22 August, 2024
Testimony from Olympic Medalist, Angel Barajas
8 August, 2024
Testimonies – August 22, 2024 – CGMJCI
22 August, 2024Testimonies – Africa July 2024 – CGMJCI

Testimonies given by the brothers and sisters from Africa, which demonstrate God’s support for His Church worldwide, and the fulfillment of the promises made to our beloved sister Maria Luisa regarding evangelization around the world.
First testimony: A sister testifies for the glory and honor of God. Through prophecy, God promised her that He would deliver her from many illnesses she suffered from. Despite suggestions from others to seek help from witches and sorcerers, she trusted in God’s promise. She continued to watch Bible studies through the YouTube channel, witnessing how God performed miracles and manifested Himself through the prayers of our Sister Maria Luisa, and she prayed to God. One day, she dreamed that Sister Maria Luisa laid hands on her, and the next day she went to the praise service and once again experienced this moment where Sister Maria Luisa laid hands on her, and she began to vomit. After this, God delivered her. Now, after several months, she no longer feels the illnesses that plagued her, nor headaches or stomach pains, and she can eat anything without problems. She testifies to give glory to God.
Second testimony: The sister testifies that God told her in prophecy in Cameroon that He would heal her. She had been suffering from pain in her lower back; whether standing or sitting, she felt pain, and God healed her from these pains. Glory to God. During the Church’s second visit, during the worship service, she received the laying on of hands and began to speak in tongues. God delivered her, removed an evil spirit, and from that moment, she began to see many changes in her life.
Third testimony: She testifies that she had many difficulties and burdens in her life, in her business, with rent, and everything that it involved. She read the Bible, knowing that God helps us with our burdens, so she told God that she felt like she was carrying a basket on her head, full of burdens and problems. Her business was about to fail and was not prospering. She handed her situation over to God and was also concerned about those who knew her church but did not return. But God gave her a dream with our Sister Maria Luisa, who asked her what her problems were. The sister told her, and Sister Maria Luisa said in the dream, “What do you want me to do?” She replied that she did not have the wisdom to handle all these situations. Sister Maria Luisa smiled at her and hugged her; she felt peace and happiness. When she went to Douala, in prophecy, God told her that He had delivered her, that He had heard her cry.
Fourth testimony: She testifies that she has been attending the Church for 9 years and had an illness where she bled heavily from her nose and sometimes from her mouth. At the hospital, they only told her to put ice on it. When she went to Church, the pastor prayed for her, and in prophecy, God said, “Do not worry, for I am with you; I will bless you in your studies and all your needs, just pray to Me, give Me your problems.” The sister continued to praise God, and God helped her in her studies and worked wonders in her life.
Fifth testimony: She testifies that her little girl was sick with stomach issues and was losing weight. This sister took her to Church for the laying on of hands, and during a new visit of the Church to her region in Africa, she received prophecy, and God told her that her daughter would be healed. And so it was fulfilled—God healed her little girl, and she gives glory to God.
Sixth testimony: A sister attended the Church during its visit to Douala, and God, through prophecy, told her to follow His voice, to continue reading the Bible, receiving prophecy, and laying on of hands. She says that her mother was in the hospital, and she herself was sick with stomach and abdominal pain. Despite taking medication and receiving injections, she wasn’t healing. She couldn’t sleep, so she got up in the middle of the night and began to pray to God. She felt the need to listen to a Bible Study with our Sister Maria Luisa, so she watched it on her phone and focused on the Bible Study. She fell asleep, and upon waking, the pain had completely disappeared. She gives glory to God and asks Him to bless the Church and our Sister Maria Luisa.
Seventh testimony: This brother is Congolese and studied Spanish in Cuba. He testifies that he was among the first to receive the Church in Pointe Noire in Congo. After many years, he was suffering from gout. Despite the pain, the brother made an effort to attend the service, received the laying on of hands, and afterward, he was able to walk home with much energy and strength—something he thought he couldn’t do due to the severe pain.
Eighth testimony: In 2013, God promised her that she would get married and not to worry because He would give her a husband. She has seen this promise fulfilled by the Lord, as He gave her a man who lives with her, and she is very happy with him. She gives glory to God.
Ninth testimony: He testifies that he had not been able to return to Church for a year because he moved from Bamenda to Limbe. During the Church’s first visit, he didn’t have transportation to get there, but God provided the means for him to attend the Church’s first meeting in Douala. God made wonderful promises to him, including that he would attend a meeting with intellectuals, and after that, his life would change. This has been fulfilled because God took him to South Africa, where he received blessings from intellectuals who shared their contacts with him and told him they would contact him again to go to South Africa. He testifies to give glory to God.
- Africa | Original testimony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIp6GytZ5PI&t=2s
Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International