Q&A Clip: What is to be courageous in the Gospel? Sr. Maria Luisa Piraquive
6 April, 2022Q&A clip: What is to sing to God praises with understanding? By Sr. Maria Luisa Piraquive
20 April, 2022Q&A Clip: What is to be courageous in the Gospel? Sr. Maria Luisa Piraquive
6 April, 2022Q&A clip: What is to sing to God praises with understanding? By Sr. Maria Luisa Piraquive
20 April, 2022Q&A Clip: Funeral rites in the Old Testament and what the Gospel teaches about it – Sr. Maria Luisa Piraquive
Q&A about funeral rites in the Old Testament and what the Gospel teaches about it
Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive, worldwide leader of the Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International
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12 December, 2024
12 December, 2024