Live streaming: Sister Maria Luisa, worldwide leader of the CGMJCI, to host an online service on April 16, 2020 at 7pm US EST
16 April, 2020Greetings from the believers of the Church to Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive | CGMJCI
18 May, 2020Live streaming: Sister Maria Luisa, worldwide leader of the CGMJCI, to host an online service on April 16, 2020 at 7pm US EST
16 April, 2020Greetings from the believers of the Church to Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive | CGMJCI
18 May, 2020Message from the Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International to the Carrillo Baez family
Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive, brother Cesar Eduardo Moreno P., sister Perla Moreno P., and the Board of Directors of the Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International, on behalf of all the Church’s believers, would like to say to the Carrillo Baez family words of support and encouragement for the passing—due to natural causes—of sister Anita Baez de Carrillo, mother of our brothers Andres, Adriana, Reinaldo, and Oscar, servants of the Lord.
May the Everlasting and living God gran them peace and the strength that comes from the Most High.